This is a mandatory element, consisting of a sequence of concise and objective phrases and not a simple enumeration of topics, not exceeding Monografias Prontas words, followed, just below, of the words representative of the content of the work, ie keywords and / or descriptors, according to ABNT NBR 6022/2003 and 6028/2003.
Required element, the keywords Monografias Prontas should appear just below the abstract, preceded by the expression - Keywords - separated by each point and also finalized by point. They are related to 3 to 6 keywords that express the central ideas of the text, being simple and / or compound terms. The author's concern in choosing the most appropriate terms is due to the fact that readers readily identify the main theme of the article by reading the abstract and keywords. (ABNT NBR 6022/2003 and 6028/2003). They are characteristic words of the theme that serve to index the article.


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